RGB_Ewen Gur_2014_01_31Ewen Gur is a French artist with German roots, who was born in 1984 and grew up near Tours, France. He started drawing at a very early age, mostly inspired by video games and French comics. After graduating in art, he spent several years trying out different mediums of expression, from commercial design to jazz music, searching for new fields to explore. In 2006, Ewen found an old canvas left to rot, and started painting on it. It was the start of a long relationship. After successfully showing his work around the Loire Valley, it was time to follow the way of the famous street artists who had influenced him (Haring, Basquiat), and to give his career a big turn in a big city. He ended up choosing Berlin, the well-known young and hip capital of Germany.

Ewen’s art is focused on black outlines; it’s very detailed and always in search of the perfect curve, but still looks deceptively simple. Another aspect of his art is the use of bright colors to give a ”rock’n’roll” touch to his work. A work by Ewen is like a typical Berlin party, it always intertwines several artistic mediums: it’s a painting with its own music score and its own dance rhythm. Ewen is interested in new forms of figurative expressions. His line is soft and effective, a mix between figurations, as you can find in comics, and abstract elements. His paintings never lack humor, and that‘s the message: don’t be so serious, breathe, enjoy life – and be rock’n’roll!



Brisky Gallery, Miami FL.

Galeries Lafayette BERLIN, Germany.

STROKE.ARTFAIR BERLIN, Germany. Group exhibit, „3XA Überding“, Galerie Kollaborativ, Berlin, Germany. Solo exhibit, „New oil works!“, the Office gallery, Berlin, Germany.

Solo exhibit, „Travelling without moving“, the Office gallery, Berlin, Germany, Solo exhibit, Rechtsanwaltskanzlei Zimmer, Berlin, Germany.

Solo exhibit, „Tokyo Mix Tape“, M event, Tokyo, Japan. Group exhibit, salon d‘art „GMAC“, Paris, France. Solo exhibit, „Back in town!“ gallery BoxOffBerlin, Berlin, Germany. Solo exhibit, „OUT of BERLIN!“, hôtel de ville de Ballan-Miré, France. Solo exhibit, UNIFOR, Berlin, Germany. Solo exhibit, „Back in Black“ Gallery la Passerelle, Tours, France. Group exhibit, festival „Les Sarabandes“, St Genis d‘Hiersac, France. Group exhibit, „Business and friends meet art“ C7 International, Berlin, Germany. Group exhibit, „Artists Meet Autism“ Improtheater Berlin, Berlin, Germany. Group exhibit, salon d‘art de Ballan-miré, France.

Solo exhibit, „Black & White & quelques couleurs“ OTSI de Luynes, France. Solo exhibit, „Histoires Urbaines“, gallery Ipse Project, Tours, France.

Group exhibit, gallery Artmateur, Tours, France.


Oficial Website Ewen Gur

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